
PageCarton Website Development Bootcamp

For people interested in using PageCarton for Website Development and also grow in the field of web technology. 2 nights of website development training for PageCarton outreach facilitators and volunteers.

8 yrs ago747 views Share

    2 nights of website development training for PageCarton outreach facilitators and volunteers.

    Starts: 12 noon Friday 11th
    Ends: 6am Sunday 13th Aug 2017

    Limited space available. Admission is FREE but pre-registration is required.

    How to Register for the FREE 3 - Day website bootcamp:

    1. Go to http://www.pagecarton.org/join
    2. Complete all the form fields.
    3. Wait for an invitation email/phone call/text/whatsapp.
    4. Confirm your attendance within 24 hours of receipt of invitation.
    5. Congrats.
    Please note that we have limited spaces for this program and it's going to be on a first come first served basis.